Medical Staff Society
William M. Duke, M.D.
Peteris E. Dzenis, M.D.
Vice President
Gail N. Frumkin, M.D.
Steven M. Yager, D.P.M.
Immediate Past President
Delegates at Large
Gonzalo Sabogal, M.D.
James E. Satterfield, M.D.
Rajeev Srivastava, M.D.
Past Presidents
Ruby Malva, M.D.
Jack M. Mann, M.D.
Marvin Leder, M.D.
Michel E. Nussbaum, M.D.
David H. Snyder, M.D.
Executive Committee Members
Benjamin Bernstein, M.D.
Allan E. Beyda, M.D.
Kornylo Chorny, M.D.
Alan N. Queen, D.D.S.
Akkamma Ravi, M.D.
Lai Min Yu, M.D.
Medical Staff Society: Dr. Marvin Leder Scholarship
For more then a quarter century, the Medical Staff Society at New York Presbyterian Queens has recognized the hard work of young scholars through the presentation of monetary scholarships. Candidates must be the children of NYPQ employees who are recent high school graduates or who are currently pursuing a college degree.

Applications are reviewed in a blinded process by anonymous judges with no relationship to hospital employees. This process eliminates selection bias and means that award winners can be rightfully proud of their accomplishments.
In 2013, the scholarship was named for former MSS President, Dr. Marvin Leder. Dr. Leder had been a great champion of education and was instrumental in the establishment of the scholarship fund.
To view this year's awards ceremony, click here.
The criteria for applicants are as follows:
- At the time of application, the applicant must be a legal US resident
- At the time of application, the student must have a parent, or legal guardian, employed full time at NewYork-Presbyterian Queens for no less than a period of 12 consecutive months or has worked part-time (scheduled for a minimum of 20 hours per week) for a period of 10 years