Partial Calcanextomy vs. Proximal Amputation Date: Tue, Mar 7th, 2023 Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Location: Online
Nicholas Salerno, DPM Disclosures: None
Target Audience: podiatrists, residents, students
> Identify proper surgical evaluation and planning for these procedures.
> Recognize when to salvage or move forward with amputation.
> Outline factors that can impair amputation after BKA.
Approval for Podiatric Medical Education
NewYork Presbyterian/Queens is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing medical education in podiatric medicine. NewYork Presbyterian/Queens has approved this activity for a maximum of 1.50 continuing education contact hours.
Disclosure Statement
The Medical Society of The State of New York relies upon planners and faculty participants in its CME activities to provide educational information that is objective and free of bias. In this spirit and in accordance with the guidelines of MSSNY, CPME and the ACCME, all speakers and planners for CME activities must disclose any relevant financial relationships with
commercial interests whose products, devices or services may be discussed in the content of a CME activity, that might be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest. Any discussion of investigational or unlabeled uses of a product will be identified.